The use of a Purchase Order (PO) is a standard Kimberly-Clark policy and required method of communicating our commitment to purchase materials and services. To help us meet our payment commitments, we provide suppliers with the following PO Requirement guidelines.
Our Source to Pay (STP) Supplier Portals enables e-document exchange of POs, Purchase Order Acknowledgement (POA), Advanced Shipping Notices (ASN) and invoices, with 24/7 visibility into your payment status through secure portal-based technology.
Our PO requirements facilitate a streamlined payment process for our suppliers:
To further enhance our collaboration with our valued EMEA and APAC suppliers, we have prepared detailed instructions regarding our Purchase Orders. These instructions aim to ensure that our orders are fulfilled accurately and efficiently:
Region | Country | K-C Location | Instructions |
EMEA | France | Rouen, Villey-Saint-Étienne, Nanterre | Chers partenaires commerciaux, un accusé de réception de commande doit être soumis via le portail fournisseur Coupa. Les exceptions formellement acceptées doivent être notifiées dans les 72 heures via le Chatbot Procuree. Veuillez vous assurer que le numéro de commande de KC est mentionné sur tous les documents de livraison et sur l'emballage extérieur. Dans le cas contraire, la livraison pourrait être refusée. Heures d'ouverture de la livraison : Du lundi au vendredi : de 8h30 à 12h00 et de 13h00 à 16h00. Veuillez consulter SupplierLink (en cliquant sur Source-to-Pay) pour connaître les exigences de facturation, les instructions de livraison et le matériel de formation des fournisseurs. Une assistance supplémentaire peut être obtenue via le Chatbot Procuree. |
EMEA | Deutschland | Koblenz, Mainz | Sehr geehrte Geschäftspartner, eine Bestellbestätigung muss über das Coupa Lieferantenportal eingereicht werden. Formell vereinbarte Ausnahmen sollten innerhalb von 72 Stunden über den Procuree-Chatbot gemeldet werden. Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass die KC-Bestellnummer auf allen Lieferpapieren und auf der äußeren Verpackung angegeben ist. Falls dies unterlassen wird, könnte dies dazu führen, dass die Lieferung abgelehnt wird. Lieferungen können nur von Montag bis Freitag akzeptiert werden. Bitte überprüfen Sie SupplierLink (durch das Klicken auf Source-to-Pay) für Rechnungsanforderungen, Lieferanweisungen und Lieferantenschulungsmaterialien. Weitere Unterstützung erhalten Sie über den Procuree-Chatbot. |
EMEA | Schweiz u. Österreich | Solothurn (CH), Vienna (AT) | Sehr geehrte Geschäftspartner, eine Bestellbestätigung muss über das Coupa Lieferantenportal eingereicht werden. Formell vereinbarte Ausnahmen sollten innerhalb von 72 Stunden über den Procuree-Chatbot gemeldet werden. Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass die KC-Bestellnummer auf allen Lieferpapieren und auf der äußeren Verpackung angegeben ist. Falls dies unterlassen wird, könnte dies dazu führen, dass die Lieferung abgelehnt wird. Lieferungen können nur von Montag bis Freitag akzeptiert werden. Bitte überprüfen Sie SupplierLink (durch das Klicken auf Source-to-Pay) für Rechnungsanforderungen, Lieferanweisungen und Lieferantenschulungsmaterialien. Weitere Unterstützung erhalten Sie über den Procuree-Chatbot. |
EMEA | Portugal y España | Salamanca, Madrid | Estimados socios, la confirmación de pedido debe ser enviada a través del Portal de Proveedores Coupa. Para excepciones acordadas formalmente, se deben notificar a través del Procuree Chatbot durante las primeras 72 horas. Por favor, asegurarse de incluír el número de pedido en el albarán de entrega para cada envío. En caso de no incluirlo, la entrega puede ser rechazada. Por favor, consulte SupplierLink (haciendo clic en Source-to-Pay) para conocer los requisitos de facturación, las instrucciones de entrega y los materiales de capacitación para proveedores. Se puede acceder a cualquier ayuda adicional a través del Procuree Chatbot. |
EMEA | Italia | Romagnano, Turin | Gentili Business Partner, la conferma dell'ordine di acquisto deve essere inviata tramite il portale Coupa. Le eccezioni formalmente concordate devono essere notificate entro 72 ore attraverso il Chatbot di Procuree. Assicuratevi che il numero dell'ordine di acquisto KC sia riportato su tutti i documenti di consegna e sull'imballaggio esterno. In caso contrario, la consegna potrebbe essere rifiutata. Orari di apertura delle consegne: Dal lunedì al venerdì: dalle 08:15 alle 12:00 e dalle 13:15 alle 16:00. Consultare SupplierLink (cliccando su Source-to-Pay) per i requisiti di fatturazione, le istruzioni di consegna e il materiale formativo per i fornitori. Per ulteriore assistenza è possibile utilizzare il Chatbot di Procuree. |
EMEA | Česko a Slovensko | Litovel, Jaromer, Praha, Bratislava (SK) | Vážení obchodní partneři, potvrzení objednávky musí být odesláno prostřednictvím dodavatelského portálu společnosti Coupa. Formálně dohodnuté výjimky by měly být oznámeny do 72 hodin prostřednictvím chatbota Procuree. Ujistěte se, že číslo objednávky KC je uvedeno na všech dodacích listech a na vnějších obalech. Pokud tak neučiníte, může to vést k odmítnutí dodávky. Zkontrolujte prosím SupplierLink (kliknutím na Source-to-Pay), kde najdete požadavky na fakturaci, pokyny k dodání a školicí materiály pro dodavatele. Jakákoli další pomoc je přístupná prostřednictvím chatbota Procuree. |
EMEA | Україна | Kyiv | Уважаемые партнеры, подтверждение заказа на покупку необходимо отправить через портал поставщиков Coupa. Об официально согласованных исключениях следует уведомить в течение 72 часов через чат-бота по закупкам. Убедитесь, что номер заказа на поставку KC указан во всех документах на поставку и на внешней упаковке. Несоблюдение этого требования может привести к отказу доставке. Пожалуйста, проверьте ссылку на поставщика (щелкнув «Source-to-Pay»), чтобы узнать требования к выставлению счетов, инструкции по доставке и учебные материалы для поставщиков. Получить любую дополнительную помощь можно через чат-бота Procuree. |
EMEA | UK | Barrow, Flint, Northfleet, Walton Oaks | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |
EMEA | GCC (Bahrain, Dubai, Saudi Arabia) | Askar (BH), Dammam (SA), Dubai (AE) | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |
EMEA | South Africa | Enstra, Cape Town, Bryanston | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |
EMEA | Nigeria & Kenya | Lagos (NG), Nairobi (KE) | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |
EMEA | France | Rouen, Villey-Saint-Étienne, Nanterre | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Delivery opening hours: Monday to Friday: 8:30 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 16:00. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |
EMEA | Germany | Koblenz, Mainz | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Deliveries can be accepted only from Monday to Friday. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |
EMEA | Switzerland & Austria | Solothurn (CH), Vienna (AT) | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Deliveries can be accepted only from Monday to Friday. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |
EMEA | Benelux (Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark) | Diegem (BE), Ede (NL), Copenhagen (DK) | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |
EMEA | Iberia (Spain & Portugal) | Madrid, Salamanca | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |
EMEA | Italy | Romagnano, Turin | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Delivery opening hours: Monday to Friday: 08:15 to 12:00 and 13:15 to 16:00. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |
EMEA | Central Europe (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Croatia) | Litovel, Jaromer, Prague (CZ), Bratislava (SK), Warsaw, Krakow (PL), Budapest (HU), Zagreb (HK) | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |
EMEA | Eastern Europe(Ukraine) | Kiev | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |
APAC | South Korea | Seoul, GoonPo Si, Kimcheon Si, Taejon Si, Wono-ri Iryu-myeon Chungj, Chungcheongbuk-do | 친애하는 비즈니스 파트너 여러분, 구매 주문 확인서는 Coupa 공급업체 포털을 통해 제출되어야 합니다. 공식적으로 합의된 예외사항은 Procuree Chatbot을 통해 72시간 이내에 통보되어야 합니다. 모든 제품 배송 시, Yuhan-Kimberly (K-C) 구매 주문 번호가 기재된 거래 명세서를 동봉해 주십시오. 그렇지 않을 경우, 송장 지불이 늦어질 수 있으니 많은 협조 부탁드립니다. 송장 발행 요구 사항, 납품 지침 및 공급업체 교육 자료를 보려면 공급업체 링크(소스-지불 클릭)를 확인 하시기 바랍니다. 추가 지원은 Procuree Chatbot을 통해 받을 수 있습니다. |
APAC | China | Beijing, Shanghai, NanJing, Tianjin, Wuxi, Guangzhou, Kunshan City, Xi An City, Xiamen City, Zhengzhou, Chengdu, Wuhan, Shenyang, Shandong, KunMing | 尊敬的业务合作伙伴,采购订单确认必须在 72 小时内通过 Coupa 供应商门户提交。若与金佰利有其他正式商定的例外情况下,请在 72 小时内通过 Procuree 聊天机器人提交通知。 请确保在所有交货文件和包装上注明 KC 采购订单号。否则可能导致交货被拒绝和延迟付款。感激您的配合与遵守此要求。 请查看 SupplierLink(点击“Source-to-Pay”)了解发票要求、交货说明和供应商培训等资讯。任何进一步的问题都可以通过 Procuree 聊天机器人获得协助。 |
APAC | Taiwan | Taipei, New Taipei City, Taoyuan City, Tainan City, Taichung | 尊敬的業務合作夥伴,採購訂單確認必須在72小時內通過 Coupa 供應商門戶提交。若與金百利有其他正式同意的例外情況下,請在72小時內通過 Procuree 聊天機器人提交通知。 請確保在所有交貨文件和包裝上都注明採購訂單號。否則可能會導致交貨被拒收和延遲付款。感激您的配合與遵守此要求。 請查看 SupplierLink(點擊“Source-to-Pay”),了解發票要求、交貨說明和供應商培訓等資訊。任何進一步的問題都可以通過 Procuree 聊天機器人獲得協助。 |
APAC | South Korea | Seoul, GoonPo Si, Kimcheon Si, Taejon Si, Wono-ri Iryu-myeon Chungj, Chungcheongbuk-do | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted within 72 hours via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that a delivery docket accompanies all deliveries of goods, quoting the Kimberly Clark order number. Failure to ensure this occurs may result in delays in payment of invoices. Your compliance with this request would be appreciated. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |
APAC | China | Beijing, Shanghai, NanJing, Tianjin, Wuxi, Guangzhou, Kunshan City, Xi An City, Xiamen City, Zhengzhou, Chengdu, Wuhan, Shenyang, Shandong, KunMing | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted within 72 hours via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected and delays in payment of invoices. Your compliance with this request would be appreciated. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |
APAC | Taiwan | Taipei, New Taipei City, Taoyuan City, Tainan City, Taichung | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted within 72 hours via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that a delivery docket accompanies all deliveries of goods, quoting the Kimberly Clark order number. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected and delays in payment of invoices. Your compliance with this request would be appreciated. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |
APAC | Hong Kong | Kwun Tong, Kwai Chung | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted within 72 hours via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that the KC Purchase Order number is quoted on all delivery paperwork and on outside packaging. Failure to do so could lead to the delivery being rejected. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |
APAC | Australia | Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Millicent | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted within 72 hours via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that a delivery docket accompanies all deliveries of goods, quoting the Kimberly Clark order number. Failure to ensure this occurs may result in delays in payment of invoices. Your compliance with this request would be appreciated. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |
APAC | India | Kerala, Bangalore, Tamil Nandu, Gujarat, Guntur, Chilakaluripet, Guwahati, Indore (Madhya Pradesh), Jaipur (Rajasthan), Maharashtra, Nagpur, Odisha, West Bengal, Patiala, Patna, Pune, Raipur, Ranchi, Sonepat, Sri City, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Mumbai | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted within 72 hours via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that a delivery docket accompanies all deliveries of goods, quoting the Kimberly Clark order number. Failure to ensure this occurs may result in delays in payment of invoices. Your compliance with this request would be appreciated. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |
APAC | Indonesia | Bekasi, Banten | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted within 72 hours via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that a delivery docket accompanies all deliveries of goods, quoting the Kimberly Clark order number. Failure to ensure this occurs may result in delays in payment of invoices. Your compliance with this request would be appreciated. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |
APAC | Malaysia | Petaling Jaya, Kluang, Gelang Patah, Shah Alam | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted within 72 hours via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that a delivery docket accompanies all deliveries of goods, quoting the Kimberly Clark order number. Failure to ensure this occurs may result in delays in payment of invoices. Your compliance with this request would be appreciated. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |
APAC | New Zealand | Auckland | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted within 72 hours via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that a delivery docket accompanies all deliveries of goods, quoting the Kimberly Clark order number. Failure to ensure this occurs may result in delays in payment of invoices. Your compliance with this request would be appreciated. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |
APAC | Philippines | Taguig City, Valenzuela City, Mandaue City | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted within 72 hours via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that a delivery docket accompanies all deliveries of goods, quoting the Kimberly Clark order number. Failure to ensure this occurs may result in delays in payment of invoices. Your compliance with this request would be appreciated. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |
APAC | Singapore | Singapore | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted within 72 hours via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that a delivery docket accompanies all deliveries of goods, quoting the Kimberly Clark order number. Failure to ensure this occurs may result in delays in payment of invoices. Your compliance with this request would be appreciated. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |
APAC | Thailand | Bangkok, Phra Pradaeng, Mueang Pathum Thani | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted within 72 hours via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that a delivery docket accompanies all deliveries of goods, quoting the Kimberly Clark order number. Failure to ensure this occurs may result in delays in payment of invoices. Your compliance with this request would be appreciated. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |
APAC | Vietnam | Ho Chi Minh City, Binh Duong, Da Nang, Hung Yen | Dear Business Partners, a purchase order acknowledgement must be submitted within 72 hours via the Coupa Supplier Portal. Formally agreed exceptions should be notified within 72 hours through the Procuree Chatbot. Please ensure that a delivery docket accompanies all deliveries of goods, quoting the Kimberly Clark order number. Failure to ensure this occurs may result in delays in payment of invoices. Your compliance with this request would be appreciated. Please check SupplierLink (by clicking on Source-to-Pay) for Invoicing requirements, Delivery instructions and Supplier training materials. Any further assistance can be accessed through the Procuree Chatbot. |